Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blue Prints For Dirt Bike Jumps

crimes against humanity

deportation of Jews

prisoner at Guantanamo

molten lead Israel over Palestine

crimes against humanity

these days we wonder, rightly, as it was possible to kill millions of people in Nazi concentration camps. As a huge community has "shared?", "Accepted?", "Watched with indifference?" Abominable project of extermination.

Among the various "excuses" that snake, one of the most spread is the justification referred to the lack of knowledge of the facts, many citizens of the time.

It is a further affront to the dead this state.

We try to observe the phenomenon in the Italian context: In 1943-44 in various cities of the peninsula (fascist state), exactly five years after the introduction of racial laws (1938), turned in some of cinema halls movies depicting what happened in concentration camps. Were shown between the first and second half of the movie "normal" then there was no advertising. It is clear that it was illegal and the result of complicity of some cinema owners and men "mole" or "repent", belonging to the fascist machine, by which obtained the footage in question. The documents were authentic and filmographies depicting Hitler and Mussolini, who was visiting the death camps as well as the endless mountains of shoes, sunglasses, clothes and so on.

throughout Italy many people were forced to turn with the Star of David on his jacket or coat: these were visible to all, even to those who frequented the cinema halls. The obligation to which they were subjected, was ignored by "others" including the state of isolation and segregation that they suffered. Many people, and talk of so many people have reported to family members, relatives, friends, what we saw during the dramatic projection and it can be concluded then, that images of this scale, such as the atrocities associated with the Italian government was doing, could be sufficient to help people understand the terrible brutality of the fascist doctrine. In all that dramatic events unfold, it is disconcerting, in any way, it is indifference, acceptance, and unfortunately, the share. There is no excuse and justification for taking today is the fuse that has allowed the survival, the new rise to power of a new fascist order: what we are now between the feet and that is regularly ignored or widely shared.

As Pasolini says, basically, the Italians are all a little 'fascists. Are the real ones, who still seek to deny the Holocaust, and are "unaware" (in the sense that they do not know of it, but they are), which in this case, remember the day of memory, right, talking However, only the 6 million Jews exterminated and forget the remaining 11 million deaths, which group the disabled, gays, dissidents, communists, anarchists, Jehovah's Witnesses and so on.

This shows that the indifference is supported by a dose of sly malice, ignorance, racial and xenophobic ideological classification, which winds like a cancer in our miserable people, and above all, by a deplorable attitude of the petty bourgeoisie that often licks the bones to power. Today we can not ignore the actions of Israel against Palestine and the economic power that the same has in the world: it is almost paradoxical that some subjects belonging to the contemporary right, however, a direct daughter of fascism, with drawn sword to defend the army's behavior Zion. Seem to have common values \u200b\u200bin their ideologies contrary to what course you might think.

This to say that the Holocaust ended. We now consume in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo and in many latitudes of the world. Change the actors, the persecuted and the persecutors, the strategy of repression, but this does not change the motive behind: fascism and then the domain in its highest expression.

think that certain things are no longer playable is madness.

You can not ignore the cries made by certain members of the League or the National Alliance or other right-wing coalition currently in power, against immigrants, Roma, homosexuals, those who are the political opposition. All Italians, every day, they hear cries of unprecedented array serious xenophobic exit from the corridors of the palace, a palace inhabited by persons who, as before, took refuge behind their power and communication media to hide their sinister nature

is clear that the use of terms "general" COVERS ALL that the Italians to conventionality is the mass and consistency: fortunately not all Italians are cosìte are



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