POST: ORA NR 1 - Emergency Floods A VICENZA
23:20 hours, we are in full alert across the city and the rivers have started to leave.
At this time, the radio, you are interviewing a number of civil protection officials and local politicians in office. The line is maintained to divert and distract from the main probolema attention from the causes that are transforming the flooding of rivers, in an event endemic. The immersion of the historic towns and villages adjacent to the new U.S. military installation located above the pitch of Europe's largest, seems likely to fall into habits of the population.
sure the Base is not the main problem, but is yet another area where the destruction is not respected for years, the hydrogeological places a delicate balance, and now a major risk.
It seeks to blame the environmentalists, as is currently the agglomeration of power, have for years prevented remediation in the name of environmental protection. The second cause of the disruption of water our political representatives are the otters and the Greens. We are absolute madness. Apella to launch a national population, to activate a plan for reassessment of the current political structure and leadership, to take over a situation that no longer has control.
The project is to create a dense network of communication, designed to make information distributed on several fronts that bring out all the inefficiencies and all the wrong political decisions which impose enormous hardships on the population.
I realize that is part of what already exists, but if we make the team, it is possible to amplify the voices and spark a social consciousness, able to reconstruct an active tissue among the population which provides a radical revision of the command structure of freeing us from the rotten system we have now. Italians must roll up their sleeves to save the country from total decay.
will try to spread within this blog, much data as possible on the main issues that concern by putting them on a place called "NOW"
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