Monday, February 14, 2011

Rat Terrier Difference Between Toy Fox Terrier

Maneuvers African observers and strategy for the new dictatorships (Part One)

photo: Chief Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi

Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, (Iran wait and see) are now the territories contested social, popular struggle against dictatorship, against government corrupt and inefficient.

The people took to the streets, squares and then try to move heavy and oppressive atmosphere, which for years many injustices in all subjects.

The Egyptian question, in my opinion, deserves a note of caution: we've seen people protest peacefully and with great determination Mubarak to remove from the palace of power. A dictator who for thirty years, dominated the fate of the Egyptian people, highlighting once again, as both sinister and barbaric dictatorship.

The thing that puzzles me during the course of events, was the attitude of neutrality maintained by the Egyptian army. An army, "commanded" by the time Chief Marshal Hassan al-Roueini, seems, quickly replaced by former general to "rest" Talaat Musallam. A retired general shows that the cameras in these days of political stalemate, in full uniform, and that wastes no time in announcing the "Friends" the Israelis, that the relations between the two countries will not be compromised by the situation.

The output of Mubarak, has certainly taken place in physical terms: physically he is no longer in charge of Egypt, but seems to fall as a ghost from the window as the dictatorship in "bourgeois" , control is passed to the "uniform" even if the person to represent him now, is not what the "last Pharaoh" probably liked, but changes little for the people.

This probably presages a planned strategy of upstream events, where powers "friends" of the deposed regime, have played an important role. the potential loss of a strategic reference point such as Egypt 's best for America or Israel, could not be acceptable and therefore the need to "put" the right person in the right place, can not be excluded. One might think that the people have left to do, what they, the military could not do without shaking the world public opinion (and civil). Europe, United States (although Obama has pulled the ears of the CIA) and Israel have closely watched the developments with their 007: probably feared a popular stance that, by breaking eggs in their basket. The alarm seems to come back and is now monitored at a different voltage.

What will happen now we will see in the next few days, but the lapels and attention to studies in some corner of the continent, are being addressed on the basis of the effects of North Africa.



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